TurfBase - Energy monitor module

Sustainability and responsible use of limited time and resources are increasingly important topics in the grounds management industry. Energy monitor provides you with detailed insights into the energy consumption and associated costs of your lighting system (LED, IR, HPS).

TurfBase Energy monitor module - Energy overview feature

Energy overview

The energy monitor overview displays the energy consumption of your grow lighting system per season, calendar year or month. This gives you detailed insights into the energy consumption and associated costs, helping you to communicate effectively with stadium management and reach sustainability goals.

TurfBase Energy monitor module - pitch view feature

Pitch view

In pitch view mode, Energy monitor shows the amount of energy consumed per specific area of the pitch. This gives you detailed insight into which parts of the pitch consume the most energy and what the associated costs of your lighting system are.

TurfBase Energy monitor module - compare, interpret and communicate

Compare, interpret and communicate

Compare the energy consumption of one season with another to identify differences. Add performance parameters, such as pitch quality, to the graph to explain and justify peaks or dips in energy usage to stakeholders like stadium management. With energy monitor, you can compare, interpret, and effectively communicate the energy consumption of your SGL system.