Jim Buttar shares his experience being part of the test group of the new TurfBase

TurfBase transforms data into action at Twickenham Stadium

The new TurfBase is here! Developed with and for grounds teams, this innovative data tool empowers professionals to take the next step in pitch management. Extensive testing with a test group allowed us to refine TurfBase based on real-world feedback, ensuring it meets the needs of the modern groundsman.

Among our beta users was Jim Buttar, Head of Grounds and Technical Operations at Allianz Stadium Twickenham, the iconic home of England Rugby. With 28 years of industry experience, a passion for technology and data, and thoughtful insights, Jim was an invaluable part of our testing group. We spoke with him about his experience with TurfBase, the development process, and his favourite features.

Development process of TurfBass with customers during the 2023 Masterclass.

Involving clients

Jim participated in the development of TurfBase as one of the first members of the test group, giving him the opportunity to experience the entire process firsthand. “One of SGL’s strengths is involving clients early in the development and refinement of their products,” he shared. “I had previously highlighted the need for better tools to support turf managers, so when I was invited to join the development process for the new portal, I didn’t hesitate.”

Jim found the process both enjoyable and insightful, gaining a deeper understanding of the approaches of other grounds managers. “Being part of the test group was a fascinating experience. It was interesting to see how different members had unique ideas and requests for using the app. I valued the chance to embrace new technology and offer feedback, both positive and constructive. I truly enjoyed every bit of it!”

The growing role of data

The role of data in pitch management is growing rapidly, transforming how grounds managers approach their work. Jim recognises its significance: “Data collection and analysis are incredibly valuable for turf management. It provides a reliable backup to validate decisions and helps define working parameters, such as maintaining optimal moisture levels and soil temperatures. These factors are crucial for grass growth and enable precise application of fertilizers, products, and chemicals.”

Looking ahead, Jim believes data will play an even more prominent role in the future. “It would be great to eventually recognise patterns under certain conditions or for example with grass diseases. By learning from past experiences such as when specific diseases occur, how they were treated, and how long recovery took, we could gain a real advantage. This might even allow us to predict what’s going to happen and prepare accordingly.”

Jim and his team actively collect and leverage data to optimise their processes, but they face challenges. “We record nearly everything: disease forecasts, pitch quality, performance metrics, weather data, you name it. We must have hundreds of data points. However, organising and consolidating all this information in one place has been a significant challenge. That’s why I’m so pleased with the solution TurfBase offers. Having companies like SGL prioritise data usage for pitch managers is essential for advancing the industry.”

User-friendly & easy to navigate

Advancing the industry is exactly what we aim to achieve with this innovation and making data accessible and easy to use for everyone is an important first step. One of the key objectives of TurfBase was to ensure it is extremely user-friendly, lowering the threshold for grounds managers to adopt new technology and access their data.

This is something Jim experienced firsthand. “One of the most important things about the app was that it needed to be very user-friendly and easy to navigate, and SGL succeeded in achieving that. It’s certainly a lot easier and very intuitive to use,” he said.

TurfBase is available as a mobile app and as a desktop version on PC, Jim uses both versions. “I tend to check my phone very often during the day, even up to 45-60 minutes a day I would say. The desktop version is connected to a big screen for the whole team to see and get insights into the data. This is important so we can make decisions together, so everyone must be able to see the numbers.”

Pitch management is a personal process, with different grounds managers approaching it in various ways and prioritising different aspects. That’s why the app can be customised, allowing you to choose which data you want to access first, wheter it’s soil moisture, soil temperature, or PPFD. Jim shares: “I tend to check the data in the evening, so it’s nice to quickly see everything I need without having to search for the information I’m looking for.”

Favourite features

The new TurfBase comes packed with upgraded features designed to help grounds managers elevate their daily work. Jim highlights his favourite features:

“Firstly, the monitoring feature is brilliant, perfect for my TurfPods! I’ve customised the app’s opening screen so I can see the data I check the most right away.

Secondly, the observation module is incredibly useful, now and for the future. It lets you build your own database using a grid system, where you can select specific areas of the pitch and attach photos and notes. It’s like having a personal pitch diary. We’ll use this to track how we’ve handled challenges, remember key details, and even identify patterns over time.

Finally, my third favourite feature is the energy monitor. It provides detailed insights into how much energy we’re using each month. This makes it easy to share accurate data with stadium facilities and management, showing that we’re doing everything we can to be efficient with our grow lights. It’s highly accurate, which is a big plus!”

Final verdict

As you have read, there are a lot of things that have changed in the new TurfBase. We’re curious about Jim’s verdict after four months of testing: “I wholeheartedly recommend TurfBase. SGL’s huge client base will benefit greatly from this platform, which not only provides essential information to improve decision-making but also consolidates data into one accessible location. Users will experience a significant upgrade compared to the previous Portal, without a doubt.”